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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – October 9, 2012 @ 7:01 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Gaudet-Wilson, Hovious, and McLeod
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning and Land and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

These Minutes are subject to the approval of the Conservation Commission

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm


CORRESPONDENCE:  Commissioner Wilson noted two seminars at WestConn coming up including one on 10/17 where Neeta Connally speaks on “The epidemiology of Lyme Disease in the Northeastern United States”.  The second is on 10/31 where Gregory Bugbee speaks on “Connecticut’s invasive aquatic plants: searching for solutions”.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of September 25, 2012. Commissioner McLeod seconded the motion.   Changes are as follows:  on page 2, under “Pond Brook Marking/Inspection”, the sentence “… of liability if neighbors are using the open space.” to be changed to “… of liability if neighbors are maintaining open space.”  Also, at the bottom of page 2, after “ENCON”, add (DEEP Enforcement).  The minutes were approved as amended.


Membership Openings – Commissioner Wilson noted that John Feder is no longer a member of the Commission.  There are still two openings.

Budget Discussion – Commissioner Hovious reviewed a draft letter to Amy Mangold, Director of Newtown Parks and Rec., regarding Open Space Maintenance / Improvement Budget Suggestions for 2013 Budget Year.  The letter includes recommendations regards some of the work that is needed on open space including invasive removal and a parking lot for Pole Bridge Preserve; the purchase of a hand driven brush hog device; work on Al’s Trail, and a parking area and a bridge for access to the Pond Brook Preserve.  

Mr. Sibley said he met with Amy Mangold who felt with a line item in their budget for open space, it would need to fall within passive recreation.   Mr. Sibley also noted that an open space manager position within staff is needed who would be dedicated to monitoring and walking the properties, maintaining the database, and be a direct liaison with Parks and Rec.

Commissioner Wilson also discussed other budget items required by the commission, including education, and will ask the First Selectmen where it should be requested in the budget.  


Fairfield Hills Open Space

  • Kiosks – The life scout will be meeting with the Parks and Rec. Commission - more information is forthcoming.
  • Committee to Integrate Documents – Commissioner Wilson discussed the last committee meeting and said they have ongoing work.  
Curtis Pond/Turnberry Project – The commissioners reviewed a draft letter to be sent to P & Z that includes comments and concerns over this project.  Mr. Sibley explained the role of the APA in their review of this for the Planning & Zoning Commission.


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Subcommittee

  • Pond Brook Open Space – Commissioner Wilson discussed this open space area.  Mr. Sibley spoke with Amy Mangold regarding volunteerism, especially in the realm of the use of machinery.  Carl Samuelson had shared concerns at one point over private parties using machinery on open space.  Mr. Sibley said the permission needs to be very specific.  Policies were discussed.   Liability requirements will be researched by Commissioner Wilson.  
  • Possible Invasive Removal Orchard Hill, et al – The above comments relate to this topic as well.
Education Subcommittee

  • Pole Bridge Pamphlet – Commissioner Hovious forwarded all the information via email to Ms. Hazen.  He also handed over his file on this project.  Ms. Hazen will work on developing a draft pamphlet.
Invasives Subcommittee

  • Responses of Letters to Landholders – Ms. Hazen noted that all the letters were sent out.  Commissioner Wilson noted one phone call from a resident.
  • Info to Private Property Owners – Commissioner Wilson spoke with someone who was interested in having the commissioners look at an invasive that she could not identify.  Commissioner Cramer and Wilson have spoken with her.  Commissioner Wilson will follow up on this.
  • Disposal of Invasives at Transfer Station – Commissioner McLeod said there is still no bin at the transfer station.  Mr. Sibley said he spoke with Fred Hurley who said they are working on it but that they still need signs and handouts.  Mr. Hurley asked that invasives be bagged or contained so they can be thrown into the bin.  For now, people won’t be able to back up and unload a pick-up truck.  The commissioners are concerned about not being able to bag Barberry and Multiflora Rose due to their thorns.  Commissioner Wilson and McLeod will ask to meet with Mr. Hurley to discuss this further.
  • Mile-a-Minute – Commissioner Wilson and Ann Astarita will meet after the State comes in to check on the weevils.  They have both agreed that there should be an effort placed to education, to inform and raise awareness.  
Strategic Planning Subcommittee – The commissioners and Mr. Sibley reviewed a draft of the Strategic Planning document dated 9/19/2012 and made changes as suggested.  Mr. Sibley reviewed this as an overhead.  He will send it to Ms. Hazen for proofreading who will then send it out to the commissioners for a final review.

NRI Subcommittee – The commissioners discussed what sections they have reviewed.  Further work needs to be done.

Al’s Trail – No update

TBDAC Follow-up (Four Posters, Redding Plan, etc.)  – The commissioners discussed gathering more information and funding more research with outside resources.  One idea was seeing if one of the Yale Forestry students would like to take on this project.  Commissioner Hovious shared concerns over using resources that could be used on items in the Strategic Plan.  It would be important to acquire a sponsor or having a research study done so that town funds are not necessary.  

STAFF REPORT – Mr. Sibley encouraged the commission to make sure that any notes, letters, copies of emails, etc., be placed in pertinent open space file for future reference.  He said that Leopard Drive was just marked (Unique ID # 00767200).  The Iroquois Gas property was discussed.  Commissioner Hovious asked about Iroquois’ stand on hunting.  Mr. Sibley said that hunting is not allowed on their land and doesn’t even know if its open for public access.  CCA has marked the OS parcel off of Great Ring Road (Unique ID 00793600 and 00794200).  This parcel has a beautiful vernal pool.  Mr. Sibley discussed his presentation for Legislative Council where later he received positive feedback regarding the CIP.  He will send the presentation to the commissioners.  


Commissioner Hovious motioned to adjourn at 9:32 pm.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen